What is a Teeth Whitening Kit?

A teeth whitening kit is an at-home teeth whitener that can help lighten mild to moderate stains, but it won’t remove intrinsic (deep) stains. A professional dentist is typically required to treat those.

Teeth whitening kit come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from molded trays that sit over your teeth, to simple mouthpieces with built-in LED lights and even pens filled with gels that you paint on your teeth. Whitening trays are generally recommended for 30 minutes per day for two weeks, while strips and pens require less time.

Most whitening kits contain hydrogen peroxide, which works by lightening the staining agents in your teeth. Putting this chemical in your mouth for an extended period of time can cause tooth sensitivity, which can be avoided by using a teeth whitening kit with lower concentrations of bleaching agent.

Teeth Whitening Kits: How to Choose the Best One for You

There are also a number of at-home kits that don’t use hydrogen peroxide, but instead work by infusing your teeth with a photocatalyst, which accelerates the reaction when hit with light. These systems typically don’t generate any significant heat, and are a bit cheaper than traditional whitening kits.

Regardless of what type of whitening kit you choose, it’s important to follow the package instructions and brush your teeth before and after each treatment session. In addition, you should avoid eating or drinking foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. You should also be aware that your results will only last as long as you continue to use the whitening kit. After the results have faded, you should return to your regular oral care routine.